“I’m tired of  lectures, memorizing vocab, and multiple choice exams. I want a hands-on approach to learning.”

Learn how the Business Incubator class at Glenbrook South prepares students for college and beyond with project-based learning, amazing guest speakers, and none of the frustrations of traditional high school classes.

The incubator class was the deciding factor for me in what I chose to study. I always saw business as sitting at a desk all day and running numbers, but the incubator course expanded my understanding of the business world and how entrepreneurship really works. The opportunity to create a business and be your own boss is one that I will definitely cherish and continue to pursue in the future.

It prepared me for college in different ways than I initially thought. Yes, the course obviously teaches you how to create a business, but the simple things like learning how to communicate and building confidence in public speaking took me a long way.

Dylan Garvey

GBS Class of 2018, Depauw University

This Business Incubator course is designed to teach students about business and entrepreneurship by conceiving of, launching, and growing a real business. Working with industry professionals, students will learn the process of ideation, market research, and business plan development.

“This course teaches real-life lessons from real-life professionals”

Throughout the year, students will learn about ideation, accounting, marketing, sales, human resources, and the legal aspects of running a business in preparation for Pitch Week.

During pitch week, the entrepreneurial fire burns bright as student teams compete to pitch their ideas in front of real investors to secure seed funding to bring their business ideas to fruition over the summer and during the next school year.

The incubator course here at south helped me narrow down my interest of study and gave me a glimpse into the real world of business. In this course, I was able to run a real life business while getting continual feedback from various business professionals in a startup like setting. Not only did I just learn more about business, but this course also helped separate me from other students when applying for college. I would highly recommend this course to anyone who sees a future in business

Joey Masloski

GBS Class of 2019, University of Wisconsin


The most authentic way to learn business with hands-on, experiential learning. Industry expert guest speakers, real-world problem solving, and professional skills.

Here’s a sneak peak inside the class…


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The Business Incubator Class was one of the most beneficial classes that my son took at GBS.  The opportunity to develop a business idea, be mentored by successful entrepreneurs in the community and then ultimately pitch the business idea to a panel of potential investors was invaluable.  The skills that my son gained in this class will benefit him immensely in his future business endeavors.

Nancy Speers

Glenbrook South Parent


Meet the Instructor

In the summer of 2018, Mr. Macfadden was named by Uncharted Learning a Master Teacher for exemplifying innovation in entrepreneurship and education. Master teachers mentor new Business Incubator instructors, lead learning, and develop new materials for the curriculum.

Mr. Macfadden

Have a Question?

Have a specific question for Mr. Macfadden? Complete the form below, and he’ll get back to you with an answer. 

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Talk to yor counselor about joining the Business Incubator Class next year!