2017 December Update
And just like that, it’s December in the Business Incubator at GBS.
Our “year one” students are currently in the process of designing minimally viable versions of their businesses to validate the core assumptions they have about their ideas. They’ve been working alongside our awesome team of mentors including:
On December 19th, the teams will pitch their ideas to our Board of Advisors to receive feedback. Stay tuned to learn more about their exciting developments.
We’ve had several amazing guest speakers including Kelly DeWald and Raymond Sjolseth from 10TwelveCreative and Lindsay Slutzky from Jiobit. On the 21st, GBS Alumnus Robbie Mueller will come back to lead instruction before we head off for break. Thank you for sharing your time and expertise!
Our “year two” teams have continued to make progress in the areas of intellectual property and establishing a strong digital presence (links to be released next update!).
Promotional Video
Check out our new promotional video to learn more about our program and to hear from the students themselves.
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